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At Millwoods East Veterinary Clinic, we know that pets are a part of the family and recognize how difficult it is to lose a pet. We would like to pay tribute to your pet by inviting you to create a memorial to be displayed on this page.

Click this link to fill out the Pet Memorial Form.


Steve French- 5 years old

March 28/17- Steve French was a majestic cat, who roamed the neighbourhood helping keep the mice population down by day and cuddle bug at home by night, just in time for feeding. I could yell his name outside and most of the time he would come or meet me at my car when I got home. Whenever I see a cat in the neighbourhood I think of you ♡ i love you and miss you. Your time here was too short ♡


Kiwi-18 Years Old


It was a long winter/ The year we lost you/ But the spring did come/ And the truth is/ You are not really lost/ That last day

When the sun came out/ You breathed in the promise/ Of summer/ Face covered in dried leaves/ Through eyes blue with age

You gazed unflinching at the sun/ We could see you made/ Your peace with this place/ You trusted/ We could carry on

Because through the blessed years/ That you were our trusted friend/ You built us up/ Eighteen rings

Around the trees you galloped under/ And the greatest gift/ You have given to me/ Was how you loved/ With your eyes wide open

Now I see you/ Bathing in blue skies/ Licking the hands/ Of those you were groomed to meet/ They shake their heads

In disbelief/ They laugh with glee/ Because even in heaven/ It is shocking/ To meet a dog so sweet