It’s hard to believe that summer is coming to a rapid end. The silver lining? With the return to school we can look forward to enjoying fall weather with our pets. There are undeniable benefits to cooler, crisper fall days: your pet can enjoy running and playing in the park without the threat of overheating so quickly. And what pet owner doesn’t love to crunch through the colorful autumn leaves?
It’s important to be mindful of a few season-specific tips for pet care to ensure you fully and safely enjoy the weeks to come. Here are five ways to ensure top-quality pet care this fall:
- Skip the holiday treats. For your pet that is! Many of us indulge at Thanksgiving and Halloween. Remember that “treats” for humans may be lethal to pets, so avoid slipping your pet unhealthy, harmful or even poisonous foods like chocolate, poultry or pie. If you’re keen on offering your pet a reward or a “special occasion snack,” opt for treats formulated for dogs. An organic dog biscuit will be scarfed down just as eagerly by your pet as a turkey drumstick or discarded Halloween candy…and it’s a much safer choice. As always, award treats in moderation.
- Prioritize TLC during back-to-school season. The return to school is an adjustment period for everyone –including your family pet. Be extra vigilant if your pet has a history of separation anxiety. Make a general priority of spending quality time with your pet in the mornings and evenings, to ensure that you still incorporate bonding in your regular routine. Above all, don’t compromise your pet’s exercise. Even when your schedule gets busier, attention, care and fresh air are just as important to your pet as ever.
- Be careful of pet poisons. As you winterize your home and property, you may want to guard against unwelcome guests. Be aware that rodenticides are extremely dangerous for pets. Keep yours out of reach, in case your pet decides to taste these out of curiosity. During the cooler months many people also begin to use antifreeze which is another extremely dangerous poison to pets. Prevent your dog from accidentally ingesting ethylene glycol by carefully storing antifreeze in its original container with warning labels, and out of reach of pets. Watch the ground carefully for any toxic spills if you’re walking your pet on a driveway or garage.
- Look beyond the leaves. Fallen leaves that coat the ground can blanket sharp pebbles, burs, allergens and other substances you want your cat or dog to avoid. Keep a close eye on your pet for any signs of discomfort- especially after playing in a pile of fall foliage!
- Practice safe dog-walking at night. Remember that the days are shorter, and your evening walks with your dog maybe become darker. Plan for a safe stroll by adjusting your walk schedule accordingly or accessorizing your pet with reflective gear. Stick to a familiar route in your neighbourhood when walking after dusk.
Every season comes with its unique tricks and rules for pet care. Autumn often sneaks up on us and it’s easy to forget how quickly the seasons are changing. Be careful with your pet this season and use these basic pet care tips to enjoy a colorful, safe start to the fall!
Written by LifeLearn/MyPetED.com.
Caution: These news items, written by LifeLearn Inc., are licensed to this practice for the personal use of our clients. Any copying, printing or further distribution is prohibited without the express written permission of LifeLearn Inc. Please note that the news information presented here is NOT a substitute for a proper consultation and/or clinical examination of your pet by your clinic veterinarian.